2015 Policies, Rules and Procedures

In addition to the Ohio State University Graduate School rules and policies, as presented in the Graduate School Handbook, the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Biostatistics Graduate Studies Committee has adopted the following policies, rules and procedures.

Transfer credit. Any student who has completed a Master’s degree at other universities may request the transfer of up to 30 graduate credits by initiating a Transfer of Graduate Credit form via gradforms.osu.edu (follow the provided help instructions, paying particular attention to Step 5) and providing an official graduate transcript to the Graduate Studies Chair. The Graduate Studies Committee will review each request to determine if the University qualifies under Ohio State Graduate School policy, and if the coursework is sufficiently relevant to the Biostatistics PhD to warrant such a transfer. Typically, MS degrees in Statistics or Biostatistics earned in the United States are deemed sufficiently relevant. (Added 10/20/2015; updated form instructions 9/11/2016)

Admission deferral. Admitted students may request a one-year deferral of admission from the Graduate Studies Committee. Approval of such a deferral relates solely to the admission, and does not guarantee funding upon matriculation. (Added 10/20/2015)

Reinstatement. Students who have been inactive for one year (three consecutive semesters/terms) or more must petition the Graduate Studies Committee to renew their status in the PhD program. The committee urges students to discuss their situation with the Graduate Studies Chair prior to, or as soon as possible after initiating, any period of inactivity. (Added 10/20/2015)

Progress toward degree. Full-time PhD students are expected to take the Qualifier I Exam in the summer term of their first year, and the Qualifier II Exam within 15 months of passing the Qualifier I Exam. Students are expected to re-take failed exams at the next exam offering. Full-time PhD students are expected to complete their candidacy exam within two years of passing the Qualifier II Exam. Students are expected to re-take failed candidacy exams within two semesters of the failed exam. PhD students are expected to complete their degree within 2 years of admission to candidacy, and must complete their degree within 5 years of admission to candidacy. Extensions may be requested from the Graduate Studies Committee. Part-time PhD students should establish progress toward degree expectations with the Graduate Studies Chair upon program enrollment. Students who are not making adequate progress toward degree may be placed on probation by the Graduate School. (Added 10/20/2015)

Dissertation advising. Once adequate progress has been made towards the degree, usually after passing the Qualifier II Examination, students should select an advisor who is willing to direct their dissertation research. The advisor must have Category P graduate status. The selection must be communicated in writing to the Biostatistics Program Chair, who will advise the Graduate School of the advisor assignment.

Although infrequent, situations do arise that make it necessary to change advisors after a dissertation advisor has been selected. Open and regular communication between student and advisor will avoid such situations in most cases. In the event that a student deems that it is not possible to continue with a particular advisor, he/she should directly contact the Program Chair or Vice-Chair concerning the situation. The Chair or Vice-Chair will attempt to resolve any problems that have occurred. In the event that resolution is not possible, the Chair or Vice-Chair will work with the student to identify a new advisor if the student has not done so. Students must notify the Graduate Studies Committee of the Biostatistics Program in writing that they wish to change advisors and that this change is agreeable with both the previous and the new advisor. If consent of one or both advisors cannot be obtained, the student must petition the Graduate Studies Committee in writing for a change of advisor. Action of the Graduate Studies Committee will be based on consultation with the student and the advisors. If the problem cannot be resolved, the Graduate School has established grievance procedures (see the Graduate School Handbook). Students must recognize that the length of time required to complete the requirements for the degree and financial support might be affected by a change in advisor. (Added 10/20/2015)